Les chansons de non-amour ne sont pas si fréquentes. Voilà Without You.  Songs about the lack of love, or even hate, are not so frequent. Here’s Without You.

je pense à cette chanson des Beatles (It makes me think of this Beatles song): If I needed someone to love, then I guess I’d be with you my friend.

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4 thoughts on “Without you

  1. Un admirateur il y a 7 années

    I love this fantastic new song! We’re all waiting for your new LP Gilles!!! Please, come on!

    1. AnotherFan il y a 7 années

      I completely agree! Come on Siva!

    2. Nouchka il y a 7 années

      So many russian people are loving your music Gilles!

      1. admin9393 il y a 7 années

        It would be very pleasant if it was true…But thank you a lot.